Newman Adult Spring Social
The Village Club 83 Morton St, Needham, MA, United StatesThis event is sold out! This annual tradition has not been held since the spring of 2019 & it is coming ROARING back on Saturday, April 29th, 7-11 PM at the Village Club in Needham. Dancing, drinks & lively conversation all in support of Newman is all on the menu! We have some fun surprises up our […]
Virtual Coffee with the Superintendent / May 22
ZoomThis year I will host several virtual opportunities for families and parents to connect with me to learn about school and district happenings as well as provide time for questions about our work in the NPS. The Zoom meetings will last 45 minutes and the final planned date is May 22. These virtual meetings will […]
1st Grade Adult Social
This event is an opportunity for parents/caregivers of Newman 1st grade students to hang out, meet and mingle. It is funded by the Newman PTC, and graciously hosted by PTC Co-Hospitality Chair Marina Morris and her husband Sean. There will be refreshments, including wine and beer. Adults only! This will take place in the backyard of the […]
Kindergarten Adult Social
This event is an opportunity for parents/caregivers of Newman kindergarten students to meet, mingle, and discuss their experiences from the first few weeks of school. This event is funded by the Newman PTC, and graciously hosted by PTC Springfest Co-Chair Tracy Hoffman and her husband Dan. There will be refreshments, including wine/beer; adults only! This will […]