Calling all Kindergarten Families

Newman Elementary 1155 Central Ave, Needham, MA, United States

The Newman PTC is hosting a playdate at the Newman playground on 8/29 from 4:00-5:30pm. All family members are welcome to attend. This is a great opportunity for the incoming students to meet their classmates and for parents/guardians to meet each other. The PTC will be serving popsicles, and handing out lawn signs.

Meet the Teacher (Grades 1-5) & Principal Popsicle Party

Newman Elementary 1155 Central Ave, Needham, MA, United States

Tuesday, August 30th: 2:30 - 3:00pm - Meet the Teacher Grades 1/2 3:00 - 3:30pm - Meet the Teacher Grades 3/4/5 3:30 - 4:00pm - Principal Popsicle Party, Newman Playground

First day of school (Grades 1-5)

Newman Elementary 1155 Central Ave, Needham, MA, United States

Wednesday, August 31st: 8:30 - 8:45am - Arrival and 1st Day of School - Grades 1 to 5 (1st grade students meet teachers in the courtyard out front; students in grades 2-5 go straight to class)--Students only please!