Glow Party

Newman Elementary 1155 Central Ave, Needham, MA, United States

The Newman PTC is bringing back the beloved glow dance party for another year!  There will be a DJ, interactive games, dancing, glow party favors, free raffles, and, of course, a PHOTO BOOTH! Raffles and glow party favors will be available in the Newman cafeteria. Please enter the event through the cafeteria doors. The dancing […]

Multicultural Festival

Newman Elementary 1155 Central Ave, Needham, MA, United States

Let's travel around the world -- in the Newman cafeteria! The Newman PTC is hosting a multicultural festival on Sunday, April 6, from 3:00-5:00 p.m. During the month of April, Celebrate Diversity Month is a time to acknowledge and appreciate the diversity of our world. If you are willing to host a table, representing your […]

5th Grade End of Year Social

Celebrate the end of an era with your fellow classmates. This event is paid for by the 5th grade activity fee. More details to follow. This is an early-release Wednesday and the party will start around 1pm, exact time TBD. A responsible adult must be on site at all times for this event. If you […]

Springfest at Newman 2025!

Newman Elementary 1155 Central Ave, Needham, MA, United States

Save the date for Springfest at Newman 2025! The big event will take place on Saturday, June 7, from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. at Newman Elementary School Newman's annual carnival, put on by the Newman PTC, is one of the school's most popular and long standing family events You'll be able to enjoy: - Mechanical […]