Multicultural Festival

Newman Elementary 1155 Central Ave, Needham, MA, United States

Let's travel around the world -- in the Newman cafeteria! The Newman PTC is hosting a multicultural festival on Sunday, April 6, from 3:00-5:00 p.m. During the month of April, Celebrate Diversity Month is a time to acknowledge and appreciate the diversity of our world. If you are willing to host a table, representing your […]

Spring Adult Social – 90s Vibes – 2025

VFW Needham 20 Junction St, Needham, MA, United States

Let’s Throw It Back to the 90’s! We’re throwing it back to the era of grunge, boy bands, mix tapes, and burned CD’s for a 90’s-themed Adult Spring Social & Fundraiser event! Join us for an unforgettable evening filled with nostalgia, fun, and fundraising, all in support of the Newman Elementary School PTC. It is an event […]

Get Tickets $50.00 17 tickets left

Springfest at Newman 2025!

Newman Elementary 1155 Central Ave, Needham, MA, United States

Save the date for Springfest at Newman 2025! The big event will take place on Saturday, June 7, from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. at Newman Elementary School Newman's annual carnival, put on by the Newman PTC, is one of the school's most popular and long standing family events You'll be able to enjoy: - Mechanical […]

Last Day of School Celebration

Newman Elementary 1155 Central Ave, Needham, MA, United States

The PTC presents: Newman's last day of school celebration for teachers, staff, students and their families. Please join us on the playground from 3:00-4:30 p.m. for free shaved ice from the That's So Cool truck, and free glitter tattoos and free hair art from Kaleidoscope Entertainment. Please note: The last day of school is a half day for […]